
What will it take to get you DRENCHED!? This class pushes your limits and beyond! All you get are 3 breaks in class… and then its a fast paced total body workout! Super motivating, lots of strength and incredible endurance! Grab a buddy, and push each other and maybe even bet on who will leave more DRENCHED! (Definitely a WEIGHTLOSS class!)

Fire Rounders!

If you’re looking to maximize weightloss and gain stamina this is your go to class! A Plyometric circuit training class that will leave you feeling motivated to FIRE up all of your weaknesses! Lets just say..If Werk Hiit and Drenched would have a baby, this would be the class!


Its time to take that flab to rehab! Sculpt, tone, and define your UPPER body to get that long and lean physique. A class designed to work everything above the belt! Arms, chest, back, shoulders, and Abs.Master the art of using your body weight with and without props!

Arms + Abs

Full Body Ignition

A 45 minute endurance and strength training workout that will Ignite EVERY muscle in your body with a completely different exercise every minute with a 10 second rest in between. This class will keep you on your toes excited to know what the next exercise will be giving you no time to slack as well as no time to get bored!

Guns & Buns

Load them guns and bake them buns! A class focusing on arms and glutes!

Aerial HIIT

A powerful high intensity class where you will be mainly using your body weight along with the hammock to get your heart pumping. To wrap it up, you will be doing deep stretching towards the end of the class.

HIIT the BaRRe

Consider this class your secret recipe to your dream body! YES you read that right.. the perfect mix of Cardio and BARRE! This fast-paced class will keep you and your muscles wondering when the burn will be over and what are these new muscles you are feeling! Each class is designed differently meaning no two classes are the same, but that won’t be the only thing bringing you back.. your ultimate results will keep you coming back for more!

Hustle & Flow

A strong and empowering practice designed to open and strengthen every muscle while loosening and softening your joints. This class incorporates upper/lower body strength with weights to tone and define your shape. An athletic yoga practice including many different yoga styles… get ready to
Hustle & Flow!

Kids Aerial (8-12 Yrs)

Through physical activities kids learn about sportsmanship, setting goals, meeting challenges, teamwork, and the value of fitness. This class will ensure your loved one is healthier, happier, and stronger!

Lower Body Ignition

This class will completely IGNITE your Lower body for more than 24 hours! Strengthening your lower body with challenging weights.. challenging enough to leave you perfecting the penguin walk when leaving the studio.